Saturday 10 September 2011

Media shock: where have they been?

The reactions of certain mass media and left-wing organizations never cease to amaze us. For many years, they criticized the British National Party for not being 'inclusive'. Trevor Phillips even took the BNP to court, having criticized the BNP for not being 'inclusive'. What all of them - the mass media, left-wing organizations and Trevor Phillips - did not see is that, despite statements and declarations, the British National Party had been 'inclusive' for many years while they - the mass media, left-wing organizations and Trevor Phillips - had kept an outdated set of perceptions about the BNP.

The writings of organizations that actively campaign against the BNP very much reflect the said outdated set of perceptions and, when suddenly the list of BNP candidates does not fit in with the outdated perceptions, they are shocked. Having said that, there is no denying that still certain elements within the nationalist movement are stuck in the past.

When something worth reporting happens, instead of showing the real British National Party, they prefer to report about the said elements that have not made the transition between the 1930s and the Twenty-First Century. There is no denying either that moderate elements within the British National Party had to face an uphill struggle and it surprises us that the mass media, when taking sides, prefers to support the more extreme elements within the nationalist movement in their thirst for news.

We don't think that this approach driven by outdated views is going to change any time soon. In fact, as trust in the established political parties collapses, mass media operators and left-wing organizations become ever more desperate. They invented a boogieman that did not exist and now they panic thinking about it.

The question arises: if faith in the established political parties collapses, what is going to replace them? There is an obvious political vacuum. This starts to look very much like the Weimar Effect. Britain is run by a coalition and coalitions might become the rule as support for the main parties declines.

The first case scenario is the proposed change of names. The Conservative Party in Scotland, for example, wants to change its name because, since the previous Conservative government, they have become almost a non-entity in Scotland. This is happening even when there is a Conservative-Lib Dem coalition in power and, theoretically, they should be trying to maintain their links with the ruling Conservative Party.

As you can appreciate, we are referring to several organizations and to no one in particular because we are looking at the political map. It was said that after the expenses scandal, the new General Election would cleanse the House of Commons and restore trust. This hasn’t happened. On top of lack of trust, we see a climate of rising confrontation involving Trade Unions in an increasingly uncertain economic environment.

They criticize us for doing A and they criticize us for not doing A. This is a very funny position to be in. What is more, despite irrefutable evidence, they are still ruminating the same old fabrications.  

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