Wednesday 28 March 2012

Exclusion from debates shows the realities of a democratic system in crisis

As London Regional Press Officer and now Mayoral Candidate of the British National Party, I have to say that I listen to what Matthew Goodwin says about what he calls the Rise of British Fascism and my reply to him is that we are not Fascists. We are British Nationalists that are being systematically excluded from public debates.

For too long exclusion from public debates has been accepted as the norm in British politics. Some politicians then ask themselves why so many people no longer care about Democracy in Britain and the same politicians issue scaremongering statements about the rise of the Far Right across Europe.

The 'give them cakes' attitude of the political Marie Antoinettes is fuelling resentment and academics like Matthew Goodwin (University of Nottingham) specialise in scaremongering but are afraid of mentioning the root causes because talking about the root causes and dealing with the root causes are not part of the doctrine of political correctness.

Matthew Goodwin talks about the Rise of British Fascism and he totally misreads what is really happening in Britain. For some art of magic, he forgets about Britain's social, cultural and financial crisis. Those who dare to criticize a visibly incompetent and corrupt system of government are immediately classified as Fascists.

The Rusian revolutionaries of 1917 and the French revolutionaries of 1789 were not Fascists. Those who support the British National Party are not Fascists. It comes the time when people feel so badly let down and ignored that they feel compelled to act.   

The Weimar Republic was defined as a Democracy without Democrats. The politically correct elites were squeezed out of politics by political polarization. Looking after their own interests, the political elites isolated themselves. As in war, the side that remains within its own walls loses the war and this is exactly what happened. 

When we look at the success of the revolutionary movement in Russia we can see exactly the same cause-effect relationship. The ruling classes separate themselves from ordinary people and do so at their own peril. Repressive measures adopted by the Tsar's Police against the crowds led to the demise of Imperial Russia.  

The so called Arab Spring came about due to the deafness of dictatorial regimes that failed to listen to their own people. Nobody would dare to say that the Arab Spring was some sort of Far Right reaction. The Arab Spring was merely the response of those who had been ignored for decades. The rise of the Far Right that at one point we might end up calling the European Spring is the response of people who have been completely ignored.   

What is actually fuelling the rise of the Far Right across Europe is precisely the lack of dialogue and the manipulations carried our by the mass media that produce a political blackout with a veneer of respectability. The more excluded people feel the less they will care about Democracy and the more prone people will be to join the chorus of those who are already disenfranchised.

Sustainability is a very popular word in the world of politics and the reality is that the present democratic system is not sustainable without real popular participation. If more and more people believe that mass demonstrations and violence are the only way to be heard, we will all be in serious trouble and there will be not enough repressive measures to cope with popular unrest.

The implementation of repressive legislation and the use of bullets, tasers and water cannons are becoming acceptable. What the British August 2011 riots showed is that repressive measures were absolutely insufficient to deal with public disorder.

Public disorder is a social and political issue that needs to be tackled socially and politically. There is no denying that flood immigration plays a role and is a contributing factor that accelerates the rise of unemployment and deprivation. Some so called mainstream politicians say that the gap between rich and poor or between have and have-nots is growing but they don’t want to talk about the link between demographics and social disintegration. Any talk about the link between demographics and social disintegration is classified as xenophobic and racist.

We can only ignore such issues at our own peril and notice that I say ‘at our own peril’. The consequences are going to be felt across social boundaries because we share a geographic space.

We need to confront those who are directly responsible of the aforementioned political exclusion. Otherwise the rise of extreme attitudes and violence in Britain will be unavoidable. The political myopia of the mass media and of religious organizations will generate violence.

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