Monday 25 September 2017

Alternative fur Deutschland: One surprise after another

Alternative fur Deutschland: One surprise after another

Founded about four years ago, Alternative fue Deutschland had a very successful rise entering regional governments and now the Bundestag becoming the third largest political party in Germany. From the point of view of the popular vote, more people have dared to challenge political correctness and mass media propaganda and votes for Alternative fur Deutschland have come from all other political forces. The messages are very straightforward and Immigration Issues have favoured Alternative fur Deutschland that says exactly what many don't have the courage to say in public.

Despite winning a fourth mandate, Angela Merkel might have to struggle to form a coalition with political parties that are at odds with each other and might ultimately have to rule with a minority party. Her Leadership has been eroded after barely managing to attract about 33% of the popular vote.

Alternative fur Deutschland is the third largest party in Germany as a whole but in some areas it is the second largest political party and this could be a run to the top. But some public expressions have shown that there are important differences of opinion within Alternative fur Deutschland. There are no differences regarding the main policy issues including Immigration and Islam but there seem to be disagreements in terms how to handle Germany's past.

Whatever the reasons behind Frauke Petry's decision to leave a party press conference, it is important to remark that there are sensitive issues leading to strong disagreements.

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