Wednesday 17 January 2018

Alternative für Deutschland: Germany's Official Opposition

Alternative für Deutschland: Germany's Official Opposition

A deal between CDU/CSU and SPD literally means that Alternative für Deutschland is Germany's Official Opposition and therefore duly entitled to have representatives in every single Committee of Germany's Federal Parliament.

Since CDU/CSU have been steadily loosing public support and this is why Angela Merkel's finds herself in the present predicament and since SPD is a choice of last resort since SPD itself lost public support due to its association to CDU/CSU in a coalition government, the way is open towards an even more successful Alternative für Deutschland in the coming years.

We anticipate that highly unpopular policies forced upon the German government by the United Kingdom exit from the European Union - ie. tax rises required by the coalition agreement and tax rises to fill up the gap in the European Union budget, will mean that German taxpayers will be forced to pay even more. This comes at the time when the budget for the reunification process is being capped or reduced with obvious political repercussions. Under the new coalition government, Germans will get less and will pay more for whatever they get. This is not exactly a vote winner.

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